Wednesday, April 27, 2011

'God Particle' Lends Further Strength to the Faithful

COMMENTARY | Researchers at the world's premier particle accelerator in Geneva made a gigantic announcement this week, claiming to have found the Higgs Boson, which has long been sought to be understood by physicists. It is also referred to as the "God Particle."

The Large Hadron Collider, which sits on the borders of France and Switzerland, evidently experienced "a bump" in its readings and the news was evidently too much for someone to keep quiet about. The rumor of the Higgs Boson find was quickly leaked.

What is the Higgs Boson?

The Higgs Boson is the particle responsible for the mass of matter which, even to me, sounds like a pretty big deal. That science has evolved so much that researchers know where to look, let alone FIND such a basic element of creation, is startling.

To better explain, imagine the Higgs Boson as a snowball as it rolls down a hill. As it gathers other particles, they mass together and become, well, mass. This makes it harder for it be stopped and harder to get going again. All thanks to the so-called Higgs Boson.

Scientists Split?

Researchers in the science world have had mixed reviews. Some are calling it a breakthrough akin to "the discovery of electricity" while others are saying that it is too soon to say anything yet and thus far "it's not the physics find of the millennium, unfortunately." Thus far, that is.

The term "God Particle" does get to me a little. How anyone -- physicist, chemist or gymnast -- could put such a monumental title on anything seems a bit naïve and vain. However, I do understand the excitement and the reverence given to the find.

If I were a man of lesser faith, it would probably bother me a little more than it does, though. I have intentionally used the word "find" in this article because that's all it is. These physicists did their job and did it well, but in the end they stumbled over this thing in the dark. In my opinion, this find is akin to walking around in your own apartment at night and banging your toe on that thing under the bed that you had been looking for before giving up and retiring for the night.

I believe that God created everything in this universe, through Jesus, and that everything was of His design. I can't explain a lot of basic stuff that I accept as "God-created" things, but I left my faith guide me. And in the end, this "find" doesn't hinder my faith at all. It strengthens it and gives it additional consecration in my eyes. The Father is so powerful and knowledgeable that his plan and design even went so far as to create this most basic particle, the eloquently named "God Particle."

They can call it what they want. I tend to see it as fitting. To me, after praying and meditating on it for a little while, that is exactly what it may be: God's most basic creation from which He made all other things. So, good job, physicists; the world applauds you, as we should,but call me when you "create" the stuff -- not "find" it.

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