Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Muhammad Yunus - The Social Business Model

                                                 Muhammad Yunus

Muhammad Yunus is talent, social business model.
Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus' ouster from Grameen Bank has not diminished his enthusiasm for business projects to help Bangladesh's poor.
He still chairs the board of many Grameen companies, providing cellphone service, drinking water, yoghurt for malnourished children and solar power for the rural homes.
Yunus has been in Washington for a development conference this week to promote his concept of "social businesses" that aim to find commercially viable ways of tackling poverty. On Thursday, he met Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.
He was ousted from the pioneering Grameen Bank in May after a dispute with Bangladesh's government.
He says difficult relations can slow business operations, but he will stay in Bangladesh.

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