Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kirstie Alley Taps into Twitter’s Promotional Power for QVC: earlier today and sold out the weight loss product in less than 15 minutes

                                                         Kirstie Alley 

Dancing with the Stars’ Kirstie Alley is one celebrity who clearly gets the promotional power of Twitter.

The actress, who recently launched Kirstie Alley’s Organic Liaison Weight Loss System, appeared on QVC earlier today and sold out the weight loss product in less than 15 minutes.

Sure, Alley could have simply showed up today on the set of the shopping network and hoped for the best.

But, the savvy social marketer demonstrated over the past 48 hours the right way to use Twitter to make sure her 800,000 plus followers, aka those individuals most likely to buy her products, tuned in to the shopping network.

On Thursday, Allie kicked off her Twitter promotion for her appearance with this tweet:   “I will be on QVC this Saturday Morning around 10:30….presenting my Organic Liaison products…I’ve lost 70 lbs on them!! Woo hoo.”

Once Kirstie arrives at QVC, she makes her fans feel like they are there with her.  For example, she tweeted, “Sitting in QVC… What an enormous place!!!!!! So excited to present Organic Liaison LIVE and in my OWN words!! Woo hoo ..10:30 ish AM EST.”

Moments before appearance, Allie tweeted, “Go on QVC in approx FIVE minutes…woo hoo… Get lean with me!!!….. Together we can do this and stay lean forever!!”

In addition, Alley demonstrated a clear understanding of her target audience by sending  targeted messages via Twitter.

For example, price is clearly an issue when buying a diet system, which explains why Alley tweeted, “Think we are offering Organic Liaison at the lowest price to date!!!!! It works and it’s easy…”

QVC was offering Alley’s diet line for $138 compared to the $276 retail price.

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